Zakat Calculator

Give Zakat to those in need

Use our UK calculator below to determine how much Zakat to pay this lunar year. If you have already worked out how much you need to pay, then you can donate below; it is quick and easy!

Nisab Values

  • Silver 612.36g equating to £453.14
  • Gold 87.48g equating to £5,156.94

Enter all assets that have been in your possession over a lunar year:

Value of Gold
Value of Silver


In hand and in bank accounts
Deposited for some future purpose, e.g. Hajj
Given out in loans
Business investments, shares, saving certificates, pensions funded by money in ones possesssion

Trade Goods:

Value of Stock


Borrowed money, goods bought on credit
Wages due to employees
Taxes, rent, utility bills due immediately

Total Assets


Zakat Payable


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